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Mizaru- Online Platform for Specially Abled People To Get Support Services

AUG 25 2024   -   8 MIN READ
Aug 25, 2022

Project Summary

Creating a Marketing website using ReactJS and AWS for the client to showcase what they do and how they do.
Feature enhancement in an existing web application where people with disabilities can request a communication facilitator or a support service provider and providers can accept a request and receive payment.

Problem Statement

The client divided the project into several MVPs.

As part of MVP-1, the client wanted to create a marketing website that is fast, secure, and allows people to understand what Mizaru is and how it can benefit them. They wanted a website that performs operations faster, is secure from the bots, and is cheaper to maintain.

MVP-2 involved enhancing the client’s existing web application, which was previously very basic. They wanted to implement features like admin dashboard management, QR code-based check-in and check-out of providers to provide service, etc.

In MVP-3 they wanted us to create a mobile application to perform the same functionality.

Our Solutions

1) We created a marketing website for the users using ReactJS. This provides us with a faster way to create and serve the application.
2) For deployment and maintenance, we used AWS. It reduced our cost and maintenance efforts.
3) For enhanced security from bots, we’ve implemented google ReCaptcha v3.
4) Once the user has a clear understanding, they are moved to a web app or a mobile App.
5) Through the web app customers (People with disability) can create a request based on their requirements (e.g. Need a communication facilitator or support service provider). Our application provides a way for people with disabilities to connect with service providers. This request will be visible to multiple service providers in the network and they can choose to accept or reject the request.
6) We integrated a payment gateway for processing the payment. Also, both customers and providers get notified of the multiple events. We created a dashboard for Admins to see the track of various requests and generate reports as per their needs.


Express JS, React JS, Redux, AWS, GIT, Hubspot, Google Recaptcha v3

Success Metrics

  1. Created and delivered marketing website within the given timeframe.
  2. Created report generation feature for admin.
  3. Implementation of QR code based check-in and check-out of provider.
  4. Email reminders for customer and providers before service.

With AWS, we’ve reduced our root cause analysis time by 80%, allowing us to focus on building better features instead of being bogged down by system failures.
Ashtutosh Yadav
Ashtutosh Yadav
Sr. Data Architect

Mizaru- Online Platform for Specially Abled People To Get Support Services

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